Sunday, 24 April 2016

Google Scripts

Google Drive is becoming like a second home to me! Anytime that I start a new project with someone, be it either in committee, learning team, or just between a couple of teachers, I create a new google doc, or google sheet. I have even turned our school's schedules into google sheets for everyone to access and adjust from anywhere. I use Google Forms for parent surveys and student questionnaires. If anyone knows how I can get some Google Drive swag, I'd love that!

However, the newest challenge for me has been Google Script.

It is essentially writing code in javascript for google docs, sheets, calendar, etc. Have you ever said "if only google docs would communicate with google sheets", well they do. I have been trying to figure out how to do it, and I am so far, not having so much luck. I really want to get better at this, but it really seems like an uphill battle for me. Time for me to show some Grit!

So, this post is just a way of saying that everyone has their new thing they are trying to get better at. This one is mine right now. I find it pretty hard and I have had little victores. I just recent followed Alice Keeler's (If you're a tech-loving teacher, you should follow her) tutorial and I had my first real success!

So, good luck to all of you trying out new things!

Let's try another one!

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